Miranda Cooper.

Miranda is a passionate osteopath who has a vested interest in patient centred care. Miranda looks not only at the injury but address underlying causes and factors and works with you as a team to build an individual management plan. Miranda comes from a personal training background where she has had extensive experience in building exercise programs for both high level athletes and those with a limited exercise background. She understands how to modify and adjust training exercises and load to keep you moving even when injured. She also loves working to promote good health and injury prevention.

Her additional qualifications in Rehabilitation Counselling have equipped her with skills in planning and co-ordinating care for those who are injured and returning to work. This qualification has also led her to become recognised and registered as one of the first Advanced Practitioners in Occupational Health in Australia. She is able to affectively assess work related ergonomics and provide sound recommendations.

Osteopathy has given Miranda some amazing opportunities including working with one of Australia’s top cycling teams and working in a Sports Medicine Clinic in India where she was able to assist with pre and post-operative rehabilitation. When she is not in the clinic treating, she assists with supervising student osteopaths at Southern Cross University as a Clinical Educator.

Osteopathy appointments with Miranda;

To resume June/July 2024

MIChelle Moloney.

Michelle Moloney is a qualified and registered Osteopath who has a passion to assist patients in their rehabilitation to better health and well-being. She takes a holistic approach to find the root cause of your complaint and tailors her treatment to best suit the individual.

Michelle completed her Osteopathic training at Southern Cross University and has since enjoyed treating a wide range of injuries & conditions in teenagers, adults & the elderly. She uses her advanced knowledge of the musculoskeletal system to help manage complaints including - headaches, neck pain, back pain, jaw pain, and injuries as well as assisting with digestive issues, abdominal and pelvic pain, and pregnancy-related strains.

From a young age, Michelle has been interested in her own health & well-being and discovered a way to share her passion through Osteopathy with others. She uses a combination of Osteopathic techniques including massage, stretching, articulation and manipulation, in addition to cupping and dry needling. She also likes to integrate mindfulness and breathing techniques, corrective exercises and ergonomic adaptations to help restore and maintain a healthy body.

In her free time, Michelle loves to attend yoga and Pilates classes and enjoys spending time the beach with her cavoodle


Osteopathy appointments with Michelle;

Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday